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Business for sale

Price £Negotiable

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If you already own or looking to buy a caravan on Butlins Skegness, would you be interested in taking over the running of this business?

We offer full subletting services and cleaning services and we are well-established with a huge customer base.

Included in the sale would be the website, domain names, possibly phone number, email addresses, socials, booking system access, data base, email marketing and more.

You do need to be an owner of a caravan to run the business, it can be fully run from home anywhere in the uk, if you have cleaner to deal with the changeovers and bedlinen. There is a wealth of income if you do the cleans and bedlinen yourself with friends and family. We also offer maintainance services and arrange other services so the owner can relax knowing everything is taken care of.

We would happily train anyone for an agreed period, that genuinely wanted to take it over.

For more details on the running and commissions etc please email, text, whats app or call us, oppitunity to expand the business massively if you where to offer the service to other sites in the area.

We are open to reasonable offers and we do have a caravan that we could sell separately, however, that has to go through Butlins as they take a commission.

Please genuine enquiries only, this has been a very tough decision and we have lovely owners and guests that rely on a premium service.

We also have a Hugh range of stock, bedding, duvets, pillows, protectors, kettles, toasters, microwaves, tvs and dvd players etc but you would need a storage space as there is a lot of stuff there

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